content="a081f532f70caf815d4d6521a22af110"> ViewPoint Herbal Healthy blog: January 2015

Monday, 26 January 2015


Onion is one legume that is hated by most people because of the smell it leaves on the breathe of people after consumption when eaten raw, as smelly as it is, it is very effective in the treatment of some diseases.

 Reserchers have found out that Onions have a unique combination of three families of compounds that are believed to have salutary effects on human health - fructans, flavonoids and organosulfur compounds. Fructans are small carbohydrate molecules that help maintain gastrointestinal health by sustaining beneficial bacteria.


The first thing to note is that internal heat is a condition and not a disease in itself.
The person with internal heat experiences heat sensations all over the body or in some areas of the body. One the outside the body feels cool to the touch, but the sufferer feels very hot inside. The person with this condition feels very unwell and uncomfortable, feels sweaty but is not sweating on the outside.