Indigestion is a term used to describe a feeling of fullness or discomfort during or after a meal. It can be accompanied by burning or pain in upper stomach.
indigestion means incomplete or imperfect digestion of food consumed. Indigestion takes different shapes and forms in different people. It can be acute or chronic.
Though it sounds simple, it is actually a very serious ailment. It could lead to the pollution and poisoning of the entire system.
Vital organs like the Kidney, Lungs and Liver could be affected, when it is chronic it could lead to Cancer, Ulcer, Cardio-vascular problems, Kidney damage and Diabetes.
Efforts must therefore be made to keep the stomach free and healthy.
Bloating (feeling full) especially after a little meal.
Belching and gas.
Nausea and vomiting.
Acidic taste. (an experience of bitter fluid rising up from stomach to mouth)
Growling stomach.(stomach rumble also known as bowel sounds)
Burning in the stomach or upper abdomen.
Abdominal pain.
Drinking too much alcohol.
Eating at irregular hours
Lack of exercise.
Cigarette smoking.
Anxiety, Fear, Depression, Anger.
Excessive consumption of refined, processed food, like biscuits, ice cream, etc
Eating too fast.
Indigestion can also be caused by diseases such as Ulcer, GERD, Stomach cancer (rare) Gastroparesis(a condition where the stomach do8esn't empty properly; this often occurs in diabetics) Stomach Infections, Irritable bowel syndrome, Chronic pancreatitis, Thyroid disease.
First and foremost you MUST realize that it is not a MUST for you to eat 3 times a day. Whenever you feel the symptoms of indigestion stay off solid food for at least 24 hours. Take only fruits and water. Avoid strong purgatives. Gentle laxatives can be of help though.
The leaves of mormodica charantia, called African Cucumber in English and Ejirin in Yoruba, are mild laxatives.
Squeeze the leaves in water. Take a glass every night, preferably on an empty stomach.

10 bulbs of garlic
2 bottles of coconut water
8 bottles of water
RECIPE: Peel the garlic and soak in C for 5 days. Then add B and boil for 15 minutes.
DOSAGE: 1 shot twice daily for 4 weeks.
RECIPE: Simply squeeze some quantity of the bitter leaf in water.
DOSAGE: 1 glassful thrice daily.
Method 2 is a good preparation for insomnia.
For medications you could try Aspirin and many other painkillers, Thyroid medicines, Certain antibiotics,Steroid medications, Estrogen and oral contraceptives.
NB If you are an Ulcer patient stay away from Aspirin
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