In actual fact anaemia is not a disease. It is a condition in which the number of healthy red blood cells falls below normal in a body. This is mostly caused by a deficiency in Iron. Iron is used to produce red blood cells, which help store and carry oxygen in the blood.
If you have fewer red blood cells than is normal, your organs and tissues would not get as much oxygen as they usually would.
There are different types of anaemia and each has a different cause, although Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common type.
In anaemia blood is lost or destroyed faster than the body can replace it. The red blood cells normally carry oxygen from the Lungs to tissues through out the body.
There the oxygen combines with food to release energy that the body needs to function properly.
Faulty diet
Lack of Iron in food.
Heavy period in women.
Bleeding in the stomach and intestine caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), stomach ulcer, stomach cancer or bowel cancer.
Lack of vitamin C&B
Lack of Vitamin B12 or Folate in the body
Tiredness and lethargy (lack of energy).
Shortness of breath.
Heart Palpitation (noticeable heart beats).
White fingernails.
General body pains.
Pale complexion.
Diet is of VITAL importance in treating anaemia. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, Avoid sugar and all sugar products such as soft drinks and biscuits. Eat plenty of unripe plantain and fruits like ,carrot, grapes, pawpaw pineapple, mango, banana, apple. Take as much honey as possible. Take iron supplements to boost the low levels of iron in your body.
Cajanus Cajans, called Pigeon peas in English, Otili or Feregede in yoruba, Olele in Esan and Orela in Bini.
Soya beans. 
Mix one dessertspoonful of dried powdered pigeon peas and same quantity of Soya beans into 1/2 a glass of water. Add 4 dessertspoonful of honey.
DOSAGE: 1/2 a glass twice daily.
Mango bark.
Leaves of cajanus cajans.
Fill a medium sized pot with A, pour in as much water as it can contain. Boil for 45 munites, allow it to stand for 24 hours, sieve and add 2 bottles of honey.
DOSAGE: 1 glass twice daily.
* A bottle is a beer bottle
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